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das.failuredetectiontime - Amount of milliseconds, timeout time for isolation response action
das.isolationaddress - IP adres the ESX hosts uses for it’s heartbeat. It will use the default gateway by default.
das.isolationaddress2 - Secondary heartbeat address
das.poweroffonisolation - Values are False or True, this is for setting the isolation response. Default a VM will be powered off.
das.vmMemoryMinMB - Higher values will reserve more space for failovers.
das.vmCpuMinMHz - Higher values will reserve more space for failovers.
das.defaultfailoverhost - Value is a hostname, this host will be the primary failover host.
Aggiornamento: a questo indirizzo (Setting Advanced HA Options) troverte un'ulteriori dettagli sulle opzioni avanzate di HA